Monday, July 13, 2020


The Scout Promise

"On my honour, I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to *God and my country,
To help other people and
To obey the Scout Law.


The Guide Promise

"On my honour, I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to *God and my country,
To help other people and
To obey the Guide Law.


Note : The word ‘Dharma’, my be substituted for the word ‘God’ if so desired.

The great almighty help us to live a happy and comfort life. God has given us loving parents, relatives, friends, health, wisdom and all other good situations. Our country helps for the growth and development of Scout/Guide. And we should thankful to God and our country for that.

      We should do our duties to the country by obeying the laws of our country and should follow things which beings happiness and peace around us.

We should do our duties to God by always helping others. So we do our duties to our country also.

      We should help other without considering our time and situations and also consider only their needs. A Scout/ Guide should be always ready to help other. We should use our maximum ability to help others.

      Since children’s abilities increases day by day our duties will improve accordingly.

All our activities should be done with respect to justice to god. the duty towards our country exactly means to work hard for the development of our country. we should have a helping  mind. we should always ready to obey scout law by acquiring its real essence. we should give respect to god and my country. 

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