Q.1 Who is the chairman of Patrol in Conrail?
Ans Patrol Leader.
Q.2 What is Patrol Corner?
Ans A place where the members of a patrol meet discuss and carry out the patrol activities.
Q.3 How can protect the end of a rope from fraying out?
Ans By whipping.
Q.4 Which knot is used in bandages?
Ans Reef Knot.
Q.5 Which knot is used for Life Saving?
Ans Bow Line.
Q.6 Who is the Chairman of Patrol-in-Council?
Ans Patrol Leader Concerned.
Q.7 Who is the leader of the smallest unit of a group/company?
Ans Patrol Leader.
Q.8 To join two slippery ropes, which knot is to be used?
Ans Fisherman Knot.
Q.9 To call the troop leader, what whistle signal would you use?
Ans One long blast followed by three short blasts.
Q.10 Which exercise is the only BP six exercise done with feet apart?
Ans 5th
Q.11 In first aid, base, point , ends and sides are all the parts of what?
Ans A triangular bandage.
Q.12 Which sling is used to support only the wrist?
Ans Cuff and collar sling.
Q.13 Which knot is used to tie parcels?
Ans Reef Knot.
Q.14 Which knot is used to shorten a rope without cutting it?
Ans Sheep shank.
Q.15 Expand COH
Ans Court of Honour
Q.16 What is the size of the Patrol Flag?
Ans 20cm X 30cm X 30 cm(Base = 20 cm, Side = 30 cm)
Q.17 If two stones are kept one over the other, and the smaller one to
one side, what does is show?
Ans To go to the side shown by smaller one.
Q.18 Which knot is known as the king of knots?
Ans. Bowline
Q.19 What is the shape of the patrol flag?
Ans. Triangle
Q.20 What is the smallest unit of a troop/company?
Ans Patrol
Q.21 Which knot is known as the Hercules Knot?
Ans. Reef Knot
22. What is the health salt called?
Ans. ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution)
23. What does drill mean?
Ans. It means training the individual to certain movement immediately.
24. Which knot is used to tie a sheet of cloth to a rope?
Ans. Sheet Bend
25. If the strands of a rope are getting frayed out in the middle, how can your secure and give strength to the weak portion?
Ans. With the help of a Sheep Shank
26. Which hitch is used to make a cloth line?
Ans. Clove hitch
27. Which hitch is the starting point for all the lashings, except diagonal lashing?
Ans. Clove hitch
28. Which BP’s Six exercise is known as cone exercise?
Ans. Fourth exercise
29. Which is the only BP’s six exercise which is supposed to be done barefoot?
Ans. Sixth exercise.
30. Write any four contents of a First Aid box.
Ans.Adhesive plaster, roller bandage, triangular bandage, gauze, cotton, Dettol, scissors, salt
31. Write any five pressure points.
Ans. Occipital, Facial, Temporal, Carotid, Subclavian, Brachial, Radial Ulnar, Palmar Arch, Femoral, Anterior Tribal
32. Who are all the members of COH.
Ans. Troop leader, Assistant Troop leader, troop scribe, troop secretary, patrol leaders.
Asst. patrol leaders can attend on invitation. SM and ASMs-are supervisors.
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