Tuesday, July 14, 2020



Law and promise

1)     Write the Scout Promise (3 Marks)

2)     Write the points of Scout Law in order ( 5 Marks)

3)     The word ‘God’ in the promise can be substituted by the word …………………….( 1)

4)     Which point of scout law emphasizes the scouts to be economical? (1)

Answer Key : 3) Dharma  4) A Scout is Thrifty.

Scout Salute, Motto, Left Hand Shake and Patrol Leader Duty

1)     What are the three ways of achieving the scout motto? (2)

2)     Why do the Scouts go for Left Hand Shake when they meet each other?

3)     Who salutes in the March past?

4)     When do we show scout sign?

5)     Write any duties of a patrol leader?

Answer Key : 1) Physically strong, Mentally awake and morally straight 2) a) The left hand is closer to the heart b) the bravest of the brave shake hand with the left 3) The Leader 4) At the time of taking the promise, at the time of reaffirming the promise  and to tell other scouts when you are not in uniform that you too belong to scout movement 5) to lead the patrol, to be the chairman of PIC, to plan the activities of the patrol, to represent the patrol in the COH etc.


Write the Scout Prayer (3)
Write the Flag Song (3)
Write the National Anthem (3)
Write the poet of Scout Prayer song and duration of flag song.(1)
Answer: 4) Veer Dev Veer ; 45 Seconds

History of Scouting ( 10 X1 = 10 Marks)

Full name of BP
Place and DOB of BP
What did BP bring to the Scout movement from the Zulu Tribes?
What does ‘Impessa’ mean?
When and Where was the first experimental scout camp held?
Expand: WOSC
When was the Scout movement granted the royal charter?
When did the BS&G come into existence?
When was the first All-India jamboree held after Independence?
10. Write the full name of Mrs.B.P.

Base IV:Answers: 1) Robert Stephenson Smith Baden Powel 2) Sten Hope Street, London, 22/02/1857 3) Long necklace of wooden beads 4) The wolf that never sleeps 5) 107 at Brownsea Island, English Channel 6) World Organisation of Scout movement 7) 1912 No.7, 1950 9) 1953 10)Ms.Olave St.Clair Soames


Draw and label a) Patrol Flag b) National Flag c) BS&G Flag and d) World scout flag ( 4X2 = 8 Marks)
What does the ‘Petal’ in the BS&G Flag denote? (1)
Which knot is the symbol of scout brotherhood? (1)
Answer: 2) Three parts of the promise 3) Reef Knot




History of Scouting 


Name the tribal chief from whom BP got the practice of Left Hand Shake. (King Prempeh )
When and where was the first scout rally organized? (Crystal palace on 1909)
When did BP visit India first? (1921)
Who is the present president of the Bharat Scouts and Guides?(Rameshwar Thakur)
Who is known as the ‘Hero of Mafeking’? (Baden Powell)


What is the size of National Flag? (3:2)
What is the international colour of Scouting? (Pruple)
What do the 3 petals in the Scout Flag stand for?(Three parts of the Scout promise)
What is the background colour of World Scout Flag?(Purple)
What is the significance of 2 stars in the WSF? (Promise and Law)
What is the shape and colour of Patrol Flag? ( White colour, triangular shape, patrol name in red)

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